Salivating Over Animated GIFs

This is probably my favorite way to make animated GIFs. Find that little loop in a moment of video and try to make it seemlessly play infinitely. This bit of animated juiciness comes from the 1941 Woody Woodpecker cartoon Pantry Panic. In this six minute short, there’s a cold front coming so all the birds but Woody quickly head south for the winter. The impish woodpecker is soon snowed in without anything to eat. Thankfully he’s visited by an equally starving kitty so they might spend the next three minutes trying to catch and cook one another.

Then a moose shows up, so Woody and Kitty switch their attentions to catching, cooking, and eating it – leaving only a pile of bones. Classic cartoon violence, amazing I didn’t turn out to be an axe murderer watching so many of these as a kid.

Here’s a tutorial that shows how make little loops in Photoshop using a video downloaded from Youtube using pwnyoutube.





2 responses to “Salivating Over Animated GIFs”

  1. areeves Avatar

    I really like the second GIF with the axe. I think the secret to a GIF is to make it short, sweet and quick and this one is perfect!

  2. […] Salivating Over Animated GIFs – Michael Branson Smith […]