CUNY Week 5 – RRRRRRRRR Design

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by Nick Sherman

This week is probably my favorite week of DS106 as we get to spend time making art while thinking about images, type, and layout. We had a great start yesterday in our face-to-face class yesterday despite the ds106 site being down for the entire day. Apparently Jim Groom’s eyes were too big for his MOOC britches, but Zach Dowell came to the rescue for DS106. We are now officially in a bigger boat.

Taking a cue from Jim and Alan’s classes, we did a design blitz – the whole blitz assignment process has been an eye-opener for me as they are a great way to kick off each week’s focus. We used the ds106 album cover assignment for our design blitz, which I thankfully remembered all the links for without access to the assignment vault. Here’s a slideshow of the class results, the students worked in groups of two or three:

Thanks to Alan Levine we have a lot of great resources collected in a google doc about design, as well as his presentation on design. The DS106 Week 5 post on design encourages you to listen to Tim Owens presentation, “We are All Artists,” and I highly recommend listening to it as well. They also link to his great list of website resources for design, including dafont, the Prelinger Archives and the noun project.

Assignments this week:

1) Complete at least ten stars worth of assignments from the Design Assignment Repository by Sunday night March 4 11:59PM. You must tag your posts correctly for credit. Also remember to describe and link back to the original assignment, and narrate your process!

2) Stay up with your Daily Creates, and be sure to do a weekly summary of them in a single post to your blog. Please try not to post each daily create separately, it clogs up the ds106 feed!

Looking forward to seeing everyone’s work!






2 responses to “CUNY Week 5 – RRRRRRRRR Design”

  1. Andrew Johnson Avatar

    Completed the assignment and did the required daily creates.

    1. mbransons Avatar

      Hi Andrew, As I’ve mentioned on your posts for the past couple of weeks, the work is not complete(ly) done as you are not separating assignments into their own post, as well as not working on your narration. Please remedy!