Dr. Oliver Takes a Tumble

My colleague Dr. Oliver Lindenbrook has asked that I send you this update regarding his quest to reach the Center of the Internet. He’s had a spotty start to his journey to the center of the internet, taking a bit of a tumble at the end of yesterday’s broadcast. He’s actually in the hospital right now having some tests done, I’ll keep you updated. Look a weekly broadcast started between 4-5PM every Wednesday. The twitter #ds106 stream will give an exact time that day.

Two weeks ago, digital storyteller/adventurer, Dr. Oliver Lindenbrook received a cryptic message from one Dr. Oblivion. The message had come from a far away place, deep within the Internet, and Dr. Oliver realized that Obilivion must have successfully journeyed to the center of the internet!

Recently Oblivion spent his summer teaching the digital storytelling course ds106 with Jim Groom as his TA. I had heard that it was quite an experience and left the poor Oblivion shaken. No one has heard from Oblivion since Jim Groom last spoke to him.

Dr. Oliver felt it was a good idea to contact Jim Groom, hoping he might shed some light on Oblivion’s message.

[youtube width=”580″ height=”470″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExcT9MxQGSM[/youtube]

Sure enough Groom understood that Oblivion had made it to the center of the internet, but also he revealed something new – that ds106 was the portal in. My good friend Dr. Oliver was quite excited to learn this and hope to start off right away.

But something went wrong. By the end of the broadcast Dr. Oliver was ranting about having been left alone for weeks now and it was all Jim Groom’s fault? I’m still unclear what that all means.

Yesterday marked the start of Dr. Oliver’s journey to the center of the internet and he’d brought along his assistant, Iddan Brown, to talk about all the supplies they’d brought for their journey.

[youtube width=”580″ height=”470″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otnzMEkrQhU[/youtube]

It’s remarkable to me how little Dr. Oliver seems to understand about digital storytelling as he’d brought a bunch of camping equipment – a knife, tin cooking pans, a flashlight. Thankfully Iddan was able to step in and talk about widgets and a number of plugins (Twitter Tools, Subscribe to Comments, Google Analyticator, Akismet, and Flickr Feed Gallery) to help with your journey. Students should start experimenting with aggregating their various digital services into their sites.

Lastly, Dr. Oliver went on another rant about Jim Groom towards the end of the broadcast. I’m still trying to make a connection to what it’s all about.






3 responses to “Dr. Oliver Takes a Tumble”

  1. […] What else they told me is that I need to locate the so called Dr Olvier who was introduced by Micheal Branson Smith such as this series of videos as Dr Oliver Takes a Tumble. […]

  2. […] about how to get started and then while introducing the right digital tools for the journey, he fell off a mountain terribly injuring himself. Sadly Prof. Oliver spent weeks recovering, not just from the many broken […]

  3. […] Some of the first assignments were to create a MacGuffin and animated gifs. They sparked twitter conversation at #ds106 and eventually had students both at York and open lighting up the ds106 feed with their assignments. Participants also joined another online community, dailyshoot, daily posting a photograph that had to be taken that day, according to a specific topic, and using specific hash-tags that put the picture on the website’s feed. Students can even create their own assignments and post them for others to do. This course is not taught traditionally, bearing another interesting aspect, an underlying story arch: Michael Smith (the instructor) stars as Dr. Oliver, an old scientist, embarking on a journey to the center of the internet, leaving us video…. […]