Letter from Camp
Code summer camp has been off to a nice start. There have been about six students who have taken advantage of the offer to come into York College and use the lab and each other to get some work done. In particular, shout out to Neyser who’s come three out of our first four days.…
Code Summer Camp
This summer I’m going to be hosting a code summer camp for my students at York College. I’ve been honest with them in that it’s as much for me as it is for them. It’s been an unusual year in which I’ve started teaching web design and development for the first time. Though I’ve built websites…
Tricky Dick with the Hand Buzzer
To be able to use the buzzer in the handshake trick on your After Effect friends, you’re going to want to learn to use wiggle expressions. After Effects allows the use of expressions to hand code a variety of effects, of which the wiggle expression is very easy to apply and commonly used. It allows…
Updates on your project assets and animation plans
I thought I’d share another project possibility care of CT Major alumni Leeza Walkes. She created this wonderful remix animation during her motion graphics class in 2011. The project uses a short scene from the film Punch Drunk Love and it is re-envisioned with her characters and backgrounds. I was inspired by this incredible work…
emoji slot machine
This is a quiz which asks you to make a precomp using an array of emoji, which you will then animate in a composition. Make sure your array has at least five emoji. Bonus points if you build a complete slot machine graphic! with a little wiggle And a lot more…
Make Me a Bird
Pick a bird from this NY Public Library Digital Collection. Download the full resolution TIFF file and create a transparent asset using the pen tool. Upload that transparent asset to a post as a PNG. You must include the link to the original image, l…
What do you want to make now?
So for next week I’d like you to write a post about how you’d like to spend the remaining six weeks in this class. You’ve knowledge of some very concrete motion graphics skills at this point, but your level of ability to use them probably varies quite a bit. There are new skills we can…
Knock, knock your grades are coming…
To date Below is a list of the work that could have been completed by today’s class. Quizes PS – Pen Tool PS – Hit the Target AE – Bounce the ball AE – Sneagator AE – Motion Tracking AE – Masking Homework/Project Work Posts Movie Poster Asset Creation Movie Poster GIF Draft 1 with…
Masking Quiz – Something else in the fridge
Use this moment from The Secret Life of Pets and place something between the turkey and the milk in the fridge. Consider using one of an array of emojis as they’re high quality transparent PNG files. Bonus points if you can have the item darken to black with the opening and closing of the refrigerator…
Masking the Emoji
Here’s today’s simple tutorial for how to use masking of video in After Effects. Also consider learning to use the Rotobrush. Have a look at Maria Sanchez’s final post about her project which combines the pen tool image masks and the rotobrush. Also look at the post from last semester in which we covered masking…