Peter Pan Would Make Great Animated GIFs

I’m a big lover of the animated GIF having created dozens as bits of reflection on cinematic moments, film posters and comic book covers. These animations are all fabulous homages to stories I love.

But I’ve also really enjoyed discovering how the animated GIF became an extension of traditional photography using subtle bits of animation. They’re perfect loops of moments in time, animated still lives. Amazing…

Watch her hair and dress flow endlessly, while her eyes hold a perfect stare. Don’t blink. Yes it’s an amazing piece of craftsmanship, definitely a smooth Photoshopper behind this animated loop. I credit their ability, but it doesn’t inspire me.

This does…


That’s a man chasing his shadow, literally (ok cinemagraphically). This is what I believe the cinem(gram)graph needs to celebrate – this impishness, raucousness. I love the impossible people are discovering in this medium.


So never mind the endless perfect moment, loop a portal into the impossible.

UPDATE I found this one recently from GIF-Machine:







9 responses to “Peter Pan Would Make Great Animated GIFs”

  1. Jim Groom Avatar

    I couldn’t agree with you more on this, the “cinemagraph” is weak, I want an animated GIF damnit, ideally with Hulk Hogan in it!

  2. […] is ramping up, and Michael Branson Smith is going deeper in thought with the idea of the animated GIF: I’m a big lover of the animated GIF having created dozens as bits of reflection on cinematic […]

  3. Tom Avatar

    Agreed. Your examples feel like totally new possibilities, a different way of thinking. The first feels more like decently done 3d, a slight extension to what was there before which may or may not make anything better.

    For the record, I like to comment on posts way after they’re published. That may explain why I am not overly fond of Twitter.

  4. Jim Groom Avatar

    I like to badger Tom Woodward when he comments late on posts I already commented on and subscribed to. One think you will notice about Tom is he is late to my party, he wants all the cake late. He will not get the cake, he will gets armed vengeance and justice. His animated GIFs pale in the light of the bava quantity, not to mention quality. Tom Woodward will always be late to my comment party. I think is swamp of knowledge was drained, dredged, and asphalted over like a Piggly Wiggly parking lot.

    Full stop.

  5. Tom Avatar

    1. I do not go to parties.
    2. I do not like or eat cake.
    3. You barely have arms, let alone arms capable of vengeance AND justice.
    4. My gifs speak for themselves.
    5. I am the Great Dismal Swamp. You are a muddy puddle on the edge of a 7-11 full of god knows what liquids that have concentrated in the fetid heat.

    If it becomes necessary to remove Jim Groom from the planet, I will not hesitate to do so.

  6. Jim Groom Avatar

    On point six you are wrong, dear sir, I am vegan now, vegan with a vengeance!!!!

  7. Andy Rush Avatar

    Hi, I’m just getting around to reading your blog. Cool animated GIFs!

  8. Tom Avatar

    Miami FL.

  9. mbransons Avatar

    @jimgroom is a super big gulp of concentrated fetid swamp juices? That’s a vegan shake. @Tom should not get invited to birthday parties, and if you forget this he’ll slap you with GIFs of the three stooges.