DS106Radio EST Works All Night

Never stops. Wonders what PST does with their time? Sleep?








5 responses to “DS106Radio EST Works All Night”

  1. Jim Groom Avatar

    Right on!!! We are the labor of ds106radio submerged beneath the streets 🙂

  2. Sid Avatar

    Wow this is really good!

  3. jean marrasemilfort Avatar

    This is exciting, the animation is well choise and love it..

  4. Sandy Brown Jensen Avatar

    This was a visual “time” joke–multiple pun on time, but I mean it took looking at it a while for the penny to drop and to say, “Oh, I get it!” I had to identify the source image, connect it to radio, feel the little incongruencies that add up to a spontaneous and delighted laugh.

    The learning curve to an animated gif was too steep for me to attempt because I couldn’t think of what I could do with such a skill other than animate a porn site, which isn’t on my bucket list…

  5. Kathleen Johnson (@SIMKathy) Avatar

    HEY! Don’t be dissing the PST. We’re still awake imagining stories as you all EST’ers are ZZZZZ’ing. If you are staying up all night, it’s not healthy. We are all very healthy out here in the PST.