Tag: Psycho

  • Psycho Animated Movie Poster

    Phew! This poster is done! It was harder to make than the previous four Hitchcock posters to date, but the real problem was that other efforts became a distraction over the past few weeks (good stuff honestly). But I was able to lock in over the past couple of days and I spent most of…

  • Ready to Recover

    I’m going to finish the Psycho animated poster tonight. Hacking away at my anxieties.  

  • Norman the Peeper

    I’m working on my next animated GIF Hitchcock poster, next up is Psycho, and right now I’m thinking of deviating from the original poster dramatically. The featuring of Janet Leigh in her skivvies to advertise the film doesn’t do it justice in my mind. Maybe it got the audiences in the theatre back in the 60s? But…