Month: May 2012

  • Ode to Timmmmyboy!

    Thanks to Tim Owen’s Streaming for Pennies post that has been powering DTLT Today’s live stream, I now have an internet broadcast channel of my own without ads, for pennies. Daniel Phelps and I are really excited about the possibilities (above is an illustration of how easily we are entertained). We’re going to start by…

  • Vertigo, Dizzing Educational Awesomeness at UMW

    Yes this post is an excuse to show another Alfred Hitchcock animated poster which I made while at UMW’s Faculty Academy (with Rear Window & North By Northwest this makes three, nine to go). But I’m not going to write about the film Vertigo and the designer of this poster Saul Bass. Ok one thing,…

  • Reorienting My Compass, North by Northwest?

    It’s been over a year since I first discovered ds106 and it’s amazing to me how much creative energy I’ve discovered since then – I’ve made more work in the past year than I have in the previous ten, seriously. Ok this isn’t exactly true, I’ve made many things over the past decade, but they’ve…

  • It’s all about the X

    I hear by announce my plan to bring together my various personal and professional identities – Michael Branson Smith, mbransons, mbsmith, msmith, MBS, and any other combination(s) imaginable or not, using my name’s letters to create anagrams, homonyms, heterographs, heteronyms – as a non-for-profit until a profitable subsidiary is formed with the eXtreme, eXtraodinary, eXistential…