DS106 The Movie – It’s Pink

It's Pink

This remix assignment – ds106 the movie [remixed] pretty in pink wasn’t created by the generator (I wanted to pick my own!), so there isn’t an official remixed assignment link.

I really like Linda3dots It’s Alive ds106 movie poster and wanted to express my appreciation for her good work (and the fact that she created the assignment) by doing a remix.

So here’s a little pink to make that ugly baby a little more pretty, and a little dressing up of ds106 community with some 80s thrift store style (care of Molly Ringwald).

For this remix I worked with the It’s Alive Poster and tried to stay with the spirit of Linda’s idea about a class with something to be wary of (ds106 isn’t all rainbows and unicorns you know as you can see by this poster students can die). All of the erasing of text was done in Photoshop, but the layout of new text and coloring was done in Illustrator, my favorite digital tool.

I’m feeling like I should have done more, possibly given the deformed claw a nice vintage straw hat with a scarf wrapped around it to hold onto, or made the baby carriage pink? But it’s up and the remixing of other students work is so much fun.




3 responses to “DS106 The Movie – It’s Pink”

  1. Jim Avatar

    Could you imagine if Molly Ringwald took #ds106? That would be so awesome. The only thing potentially better is if she took it from this pram.

  2. Alan Levine (@cogdog) Avatar

    Genius. This would be the pinnacle of Molly’s teen arc.

    BTW, I rigged something to generate the mixes that do not exist- you can get your tags at

    1. mbransons Avatar

      Thanks Alan for creating that, and maybe there’s some cochella styled Ringwald in ds106’s future. Anything’s possible now right?